The date feels STAMPED on your brain. Your due date. You count down the days for months and months and everyone around you does too. The day comes! ...and it goes. and so does the next day. and the next...
If one more person asks if you're "feeling anything"... you may accidentally spit in their face. If one more person comments on YOUR body and what it looks like... heaven help them. If one more person recommends Castor oil or walking (in the 100+ temperatures! while your hips and lower back are already SO tired and sore and achy) or that you should have sex......... well then, "I'm sorry that my arm twitched and punched you in the face..." You feel like EVERY. SINGLE. conversation that you have with anyone has to do with your vagina, your boobs, or your giant belly and the baby that is still (seemingly) stuck in there! ForeeeeevvvvvER.... (Sandlot reference)
Note: Anyone reading this who is NOT currently pregnant or has never been.... it is NOT ok to do any of the above things. If you accidentally do.....come back later with an apology and food.
You feel like locking yourself in your baby's nursery (that's been ready and waiting for weeks!) and crying while you down even MORE food.
Frustrating doesn't even begin to describe the last (and added) weeks of pregnancy!
Momma, I want to encourage you. It's ok to cry. It's ok to be frustrated! And quite honestly, it is OK to speak your mind (as kindly as you can) to those who have NO problems speaking THEIR mind. This is your body! And this is your baby's body. And our amazing God created both! Your body CAN do this. Your body can finish this pregnancy, however long it may be, and it can go into labor! And it WILL. You are stronger than you think!
So today... when someone looks at you with a pathetic face and says "You must be miserable!"... SMILE! and say "Actually, I feel great!" It has a tendency to make them see that YOU are positive about this pregnancy and you don't want any "help" or "suggestions" from them!
Also, keep in mind... that people truly mean well. And they really don't know what else to say. Have mercy and understanding. Forgive. I myself have said to a dear friend who had gone past her due date, "You look miserable!" I later apologized... but in the moment I said it, I just wanted to show her that I SAW her hard work. And that I empathized with her and wanted to be supportive. Unfortunately, the thoughts I had in my head came out in the wrong words. So when someone you love makes a comment like this, keep in mind that they are doing so in love. That doesn't mean you have to let them continue to make those comments or be happy about the comments.... it just means that you need to include grace in dealing with them.
But Lord help the complete stranger who thinks they can talk about how much sex you and your husband should be having right now..........