Saturday, June 25, 2016

Weigh and Measure

Everywhere I look, the world tells me how inadequate I am as a mother. What I should be doing, what I shouldn't. And almost everything is either killing my child or making their brains into mashed potatoes. Like EVERYTHING. Think of a topic that pertains to children and I'm probably doing it wrong, from either viewpoint.

I'm so glad I don't find my validation and worth as a mother (or a human) in people, in this world. I'm thankful that I know exactly Where to look to find out who I am and how I should parent. 

It's good to do your research and to even seek out advice... But don't allow others to push their opinions or beliefs on you and in return, don't do it to others. 

In just a one week time-span I can hear about how I'm a terrible mom if a tragedy happens to my children. How I'm killing them if I vaccinate them or even if I don't. I've heard that I'm coddling them if I cut up their food. Organic eating is the only way they'll ever make it out of childhood alive. Too much screen time is turning their brain to mush... Which it may be, but as I deal with and work through depression and severe anxiety.... I'm sure they'd rather have mushy brains on occasion than their momma having breakdowns and panic attacks. I've heard how my car seats and buckling choices are incorrect and unsafe, even though I thought I was following all the rules... 

Some of these comments are all very well-meaning and great advice! 

But no wonder today's mothers are stressed out, dealing with mental and emotional issues, or having a hard time even enjoying motherhood! We are constantly being thrown "suggestions" on how to not accidentally kill our children! That's a lot of pressure! To feel like EVERY single thing we do is detrimental to the life of our child! It causes us to be hyper vigilant to where we cannot even relax in the presence of other moms or with our own children...  And on top of that, we hear stories of moms who weren't perfect for a moment, who didn't have it all together in a single moment... And their worst nightmare happens! And the whole world wants to execute you! Do you know how much pressure that puts on moms? 

We are trying to raise healthy, well-rounded adults and we have to look over our shoulder for someone who might video our mistakes and blast them across social media! 

So you're tired of seeing moms not discipline their unruly children? Next time you're tempted to be angry or frustrated towards her, think about how she's feeling, what she's thinking! "If I discipline my kids.... If I don't do this or that... If I don't look like I've got it all together...  Will someone take my kids away? Will there be a huge social media to-do over this decision I'm making right now? I'm trying to do the right thing and raise a healthy human.... But is this way or that way of dealing with it going to land me in the hot seat?" Those are just some of the inner thoughts that go on in my own head... 

Let alone the pressure and embarrassment of seeing your usually well-behaved child flop on the floor and screech like a banshee in front of everyone! Let alone wishing they'd just eat the food, simply because you don't want to hear how STARVING they are 10 minutes later. Let alone trying to breastfeed your infant while they try to uncover everything and pull out your hair... Just hoping someone doesn't tell you how gross you are for feeding your baby. Let alone realizing you forgot extra pants for your toddler and feeling bad that an employee has to clean up your child's urine off the floor. Let alone that you haven't showered or eaten a full meal. Let alone that you desperately want to workout and eat healthy but 3 hours of sleep is just not enough. Let alone trying to hold your marriage and friendships together. Let alone trying to hold yourself together.

So today, I want to encourage all of the mothers that love their children. Good job. You're doing great! Don't worry about what others are thinking! Don't try to validate your decision. You don't need to defend your reasons for not shopping at Target or FOR shopping at Target. You need to parent your unique children that God has given you in the way that you and your husband feel the Holy Spirit is leading you to. We can't possibly cover everything. There's too much. But God's grace is sufficient for you! His power is made perfect in our weakness! (2 Corinthians 12:9)  Don't lean on your own knowledge... Lean on His. He will direct your paths... He will show you how to parent. (Proverbs 3:5&6)
Your children want your love and respect! Base your decisions off of what shows love and respect to your children and what honors God.

One of my favorite things about God is how unique His creation is! Even the snowflakes are different! How much more so are His best creation? We are each uniquely designed, which means we are raising little humans who are also unique and God has equipped you to parent your children, biological or adopted. He saw them before they were even in the womb, He knows them. He knows. Trust Him. And then take your steps. Parent in love. Offer and seek advice from trusted sources, and then weigh and measure for your own unique family. 

And don't get your yoga pants bunched up over things that don't matter....