Monday, April 14, 2014

Positive > Negative

I don't know about you, but I often have days where I'm just done. I get so weary of the day to day beat downs. If  you're a mom, or have co-workers that act like children, you know what I'm talking about. Every conversation is a battle of sorts over one thing or another and somehow you feel as if they're talking circles around you.. You knew at the beginning of a particular argument what your point was and had facts to back it up, you started out confident and sure of yourself.... and by the middle of this conversation, they've asked their "why"s and their "how"s and they've made it very clear that they do NOT want to do what you have told them.... and before you know it, you find your self grasping at "because I said so"s and probably a raised voice that matches your raised eyebrows...and suddenly, you've become your mother! Then you're stuck on that thought, and, if you're a woman, most likely a thousand other thoughts like: "I need to defrost chicken for dinner", "I forgot to call so and so", "Did I even brush my teeth today? *sniff sniff*", etc... And then you realize, wait! I'm still trying to convince my 2 year old that it's not OK to be naked in public and for the LOVE of all things, please put on your shirt! So the battle continues. This ONE instance in itself just drains you of all you have. Now, if you're not a parent, I'm positive that you can think of someone in your life who resembles my 2 year old I described, in one way or another. It's draining! As a parent, especially as a stay at home mom... 24/7 of disciplining, correcting, encouraging them NOT to belly flop off the couch but to hop off a pillow instead, directing their attention away from the bakery section at the store, and so on and so forth... is so mentally taxing some days, that by the time I finally get the kiddos into bed (for the 7th time), I have absolutely nothing left. I'm grouchy, I want to have 2 seconds to myself, I don't want to be asked any more questions... and typically, this exhausted attitude is, unfortunately, taken out on my poor husband who just wanted to hug me, just wanted to be my friend...and I turn on him like a wounded animal and bite his head off. Then I feel like an ABSOLUTE jerk and spend the rest of my evening beating myself, or him, over the head about how dumb I am. And so, I go to bed saying "tomorrow will be better", but it mostly never is. Why? Because my attitude sucks! Yes, these instances happen with our children or other people, yes life is difficult, yes we all struggle with finances, our health, and should I have posted that status on social media? Daily, we all race to get somewhere. To be someone. To just get to......not here. Not today. Because "tomorrow will be better"....right? Wrong. Tomorrow will not be better... if you don't fix your attitude! Where ever you have the potential to bring life and love to that conversation, to that person, to that circumstance. You may not have the same religious beliefs as me... but an attitude adjustment towards the positive is a universal truth, not just a biblical Truth. Focusing on the positive and BEING positive (not just 'trying' to) are going to change your day so much! It is something I have to work on daily, and I'll be quite honest with you, I still fail. A lot. But I don't let that stop me. Your kind gesture, smile, or encouraging words could be just what someone needed that day. Don't wait for the positive to happen in your life, be the positive... it's like a magnet. -Those are my deep thoughts for today.

That all being said, if you're still reading at this point, thank you! My goal for this blog is to bring positive into your life and even into mine! I hope to post encouraging stories, funny stories and pictures that happen in our life but probably mostly about my sweet kiddos, recipes will probably be posted simply is wonderful and sometimes food is just needed for comfort, and any other random things I deem positive will be blogged. Check in often!

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