As at look out my window to see my husband playing in the backyard with our 3 young kids, I smile at how wonderful they are, thinking of how blessed I am.
And then I see my dirty windows. Ew. How long has it been since I washed these? What IS that stuck on there?
It is SO easy to see the dirt instead of the blessings. We are so easily distracted by the yucky things going on in our life that we forget to see the good.
Satan is phenomenal at distracting us. He wants us to see the little insignificant things so that we lose focus of all of the wonderful things in our life.
How often to you see your dirty windows instead of what is really there?
Do you stare at yourself in the mirror and tear yourself down because all you can see are the flaws and things you wish you could change? Are you missing that you have a wonderful smile, a caring heart, a healthy body, a fantastic personality.....?
Have you been lookin at your spouse and only seeing the mistakes he's made? Or the mistakes you've made? Do you see how he seems to always forget to put his laundry in the hamper? Are you counting how many times he doesn't bring you flowers? Are you seeing only how she nags you to do this or that or counting how many times you don't get what you want or need sexually?
Do you see your kids and only see the messes they make and the daily struggle to get them to eat what you put in front of them? Do you only see their mess ups?
Let's ruffle some feathers.....When it comes to church, are you only seeing how loud worship is and how they don't lead worship like you wis they would? Can you just not get over how that one (or group) person treated you? As you listen to a message, are you letting your opinion of that pastor get in the way of you hearing what God is trying to say to you?
I could go on and on with scenarios. Work, friends, extended family, your house, your car, your education......
Here's the thing, YES... life has dirty windows. They ARE there. And we can't ignore them. But are they worth you not paying attention to the good stuff? Is it causing you to overlook all the love that your spouse does give you? Are you missing how amazing your church is because of that one thing that just ticks you off? Are you just trying to keep cleaning the dirty windows while you're missing your children learning and growing? Are you so focused on how fat you are or how blemished your skin is that you can't see anything else that is amazing about you?
Don't misunderstand me.... there are some very frustrating and difficult things in these different circumstances. And some of them are urgent and need to be dealt with. If you have some serious belief issues or just don't mesh with the church you attend, are being truly mistreated in your marriage, need to deal with attitudes with your kids, start working out to become healthy... those need to be taken care of! Just don't cause your dirty windows to cloud your vision so that you miss the good stuff.
Picture this: you and your super clean, perfect windows... just the two of you... forever! With your body, marriage, your kids, your relationship with God and His church...... in the dark. Unattended to. Unappreciated. Unnoticed.
What dirty windows do you have in your life? What is on the other side of those windows that you're missing out on because your focus is off?
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