Sunday, March 13, 2016

Be a Life Saver!

It would be so easy, and understandable, for me to be grumpy this morning! Or to skip church.... People would totally understand. 

Teething baby + toddler up with growing pains + daylight savings + 4 nights in row of very little amounts of sleep = no big deal to skip church. That seems like a pretty solid mathematical equation! Right? ...wrong!

And while it is ok to miss church for a solid reason (sick kids, sick you, non-functioning vehicle, etc...).... There really is no excuse to miss church "just because" or "I'm just too tired"....

Fact is, we have a lot of work to do! God put us on this earth and our purpose is to go into all the world, to bring His love to others (the saved and the unsaved). There are lives at stake! Someone needs your friendship and encouragement at church today! Someone needs you to greet them with no judgement and with a smile! YOU need to be refilled, sharpen your iron so to speak. Your children need it! They need to be surrounded by a solid group of friends who they can grow up with and help them mature and grow spiritually. They need to be taught at their level about how much Jesus LOVES them! There are so many reasons why church is important. So don't let "I'm just too tired" be an excuse.  

It is important. You are needed. You are wanted. God has huge plans but they can't happen if we don't do our part!

So drink your giant cup of coffee, ask God for strength and energy, and go do something outside of yourself for something bigger than yourself. 

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