Last week, my precious baby girl turned one! I can hardly believe it! Although she is my 3rd child, she is the first one I breastfed. I was so nervous about this journey because I had never been around it. It wasn't familiar to me.
But through the encouragement of friends and finding a really great breastfeeding class, along with a supportive husband.... I felt prepared.
I set a goal of 1 year. And I reached my goal and then some! Now, it wasn't all perfect and beautiful and it was far from easy, similar to motherhood.
Here's my breastfeeding story.
With my first two children, I chose not to nurse. I had never been around breastfeeding and felt scared to even try. There were many other reasons why I chose not to, but I see now that the underlying reason was fear.
Within the first hour of having my sweet girl, I was able to try nursing her. I had no idea how to hold her or help her and her mouth was just so tiny. We didn't figure it out that first time... Or the next. About the 3rd time, some of the nurses helped me figure out a better hold and she was able to latch on. She couldn't keep her hold for long but I was just glad she got something in her itty bitty belly.
After we got home and my milk came in (ouch!) we continued working on a better latch. She just wasn't getting it though and I was so full of milk (which is painful and uncomfortable to say the least) and I didn't have a pump so there was no relief.
When a baby doesn't latch properly, that causes pain for the mother... So for 2 months Ivy and I worked through pain, tears, and frustration.... She was struggling to gain weight and I was feeling like a failure. We looked into lip or tongue tie issues but never got a firm answer on that issue and really didn't have the money to get that taken care of if it were an issue.
I prayed a lot through those 2 months. My baby was hungry, I was in a pain... And I really didn't want to give up. 1 month in, my supply tanked due to her not being able to get enough to eat. My body took it as a sign that she wasn't eating that much so it didn't make as much. We struggled with supply issues the whole 12 months. I took supplements to help get my supply up. I pumped and pumped and pumped. When we nursed I had to squeeze and pinch and bend at awkward angles just to help her get anything. It just wasn't happening. I finally bought some supplemental formula since she was coming up on 2 months old and had barely gotten half a pound above her birth weight.
By November... I was ready to give up. But I kept hearing, "1 year. 1 year." So I pushed through. At 4 months old, during one particularly difficult nursing session, I was crying and talking to God, "Why? Why can't I get this? This is my last baby, please! I want to succeed." And a thought game to my mind... "Hold her differently. Change your nursing position."
I had been laying her basically on her back and having her turn her head to me instead of having her on her side with her neck not needing to be turned. And low and behold, she latched on properly right away when I switched!
My first thought was to feel stupid. Why hadn't I thought of this before!? And then I felt God comforting me, telling me not to beat myself up. I didn't know what I was doing, I had been persevering through pain and frustration... And now I had figured it out and I should be full of joy, not condemnation of myself.
Ivy started growing better, more steadily. And I was finally able to start enjoying nursing!
It took us 2 months to get the hang of our new nursing position but from 6 months to 12 months (July 26th) it was a breeze!
Well, mostly. I was feeling antsy to have my body back and she was throwing a fit every time I took her boob away from her!
Over the last 6 months, the amount of times she nurses each day has dwindled down and she now only nurses before bed.
Within the last year, I have bonded with my sweet girl, giggled at her silly antics (nursing babies are hilarious!), learned about perseverance, marveled out how amazing God made the female body, fallen asleep in a rocking chair multiple times, gone back and forth in bra sizes, gotten quite proficient in nursing in public, and read more nursing blogs than was necessary.
Some things that helped me:
-Surprisingly Walmart carries my favorite nursing bra. And you definitely want one you really like. It will make a big difference. So spend the money!
-If your baby acts fussy after nursing, it could be something you ate! For a while, I had to avoid tomato sauce and chocolate. It really bothered Ivy for the first few months. Once she grew a bit though, I reintroduced them back into my diet and she did fine with them.
- Don't be afraid to ask a friend who has experience to help you or offer advice. It's not as awkward as you think.
-Remember that even if you don't make it to your goal, you're not a failure. Even if you can't nurse at all, you're not a failure. If your baby is fed and loved... That's what matters.
-Trust yourself. Encourage yourself. Give yourself grace and patience.
-Give it to God. God loves your little one more than you can possibly imagine! Pray through your nursing experience! God gave me so much insight and wisdom when I asked, and even when I didn't. I could not have made it through this last year, could not have met my goal... If I wouldn't have involved God.
In short, nursing is hard work, but wonderful. But it's not what defines how good of a mother you are.
The one and only nursing photo I will ever share. Because I personally think that nursing is a beautiful relationship that doesn't need to be constantly broadcast on social media...
Happy Breastfeeding Week!